- 调查你的目标对象的行踪规律和与人来往的情况
需要找人,或找到丢失的东西? 我们的经验使我们的客户能够找到对他们来说最重要的人和事。 无论是兄弟姐妹从雷达上溜走、员工失控还是有人设法逃过保释——或者您只是想在多年前卖掉旧车后寻找旧车,我们拥有您需要的技能和经验,让您拥有任何东西 重新找到快速且具有成本效益的后。
- Investigate your target's whereabouts and interactions with people
Need to find someone, or locate something that's gone missing? Our experience give our clients the means to find the people and the things that matter most to them. Whether a sibling has slipped off the radar, an employee's gone rogue or someone's managed to skip bail – or you're simply trying to find your old car after selling it years ago, We have the skills and experience you need to have whatever you're after found quickly and cost-effectively.